Full service audio production.
Full Range Speakers
- JBL SRX 910 Dual 10in powered Line array speakers
- JBL SRX 812 12in powered spealers
- JBL VP212 12in powered stage monitors
- JBL PRX 815 15in powered speakers
- RCF HDL10 Dual 8in powered line array speakers
- RCF Art945 15in powered speakers
- RCF HD35 15in powered speakers
- RCF Art932 12in powered speakers
- RCF HD12 12in powred speakers
Copyright Headliner Pro Audio. All rights reserved.
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Equipment Rental
Click here for quotes, orders and custom packages and details.
Shure ULXD
Shure SLXD
Sennheiser EWD
Shure sm58
Shure sm57
Shure beta58
Sennheiser e835
Sennhieser e904
- JBL ASB6128 Dual 18 Subwoofers
- JBL SRX 918 Single 18 Subwoofers
- RCF 9004 Single 18 Subwoofers
Partial Equipment List
Power Amps
- Crown Ma 12000
- Crown MA 9000
- Midas M32
- MIdas M32r
- Berhinger Wing Compact
Sound decisions start with us!
Phone: (410) 212-9639
Email: info@HeadlinerProAudio.com